How to activate Windows 7 Professional without product key free 2020 I will show you in this article . Step 1 : You visit Step 2 : You copy the code above into a new text document Step 3 : You choose “Save As” to save it as a batch file , name “1click.cmd”save it as a batch file , name “1click.cmd” Step 4 : You Run the batch file as administrator You can see the result Y With this method you can activate : Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Professional N Windows 7 Professional E Windows 7 Enterprise Windows 7 Enterprise N Windows 7 Enterprise E Windows 7 Features 1. Themes Support for themes has been extended in Windows 7. In addition to providing options to customize colors of window chrome and other aspects of the interface including the desktop background, icons, mouse cursors, and sound schemes, the operating system also includes a native deskto...